The software solutions and capabilities of the developed platform are practically unlimited. Through them, the customer can manage the system from any point.
The program connects and tracks all phases of production. Gives possibility to process, store and analyze the information
The system has four modules considering the procedural phase of the concrete ones cases.
Building automation and more precisely BMS and DMS systems are one of the main products of our production.
Each of our products is tailored to the customer, both from a hardware and software perspective.
More..Business management software, a cloud-based system with its own framework.
More..After installing the devices, it is enough to have an Internet connection.
More..The hotel software we offer is also modular and it is no exception to our other products.
More..The restaurant and shop management software is a set of 2 panels
An admin panel for managing the entire business process and a customer panel that is tailored to the needs of the facility.
More..The Smart Home and Smart Office software is a Web-based platform.
It brings together the innovations that we have developed and modernized over the years. The modern home nowadays is the Smart Home/Office.
More..The software has the capabilities to recognize vehicle numbers as well as standard ticketing systems. It is also built into payment terminals.
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